Snow Day
I went from posting once a day and then to once a it looks like I'm lucky to get a post up once a month! I hate that I'm not able to share as often as I would like. For me, it's an outlet. Not having Internet at home, and the only access being my phone, makes it difficult for me to make the time to peck out a bunch of words on that small keyboard. Maybe one of these days we will jump into the flow of society and get Internet...but not any time soon!
It's hard for me to really grasp how fast time is passing. It seemed like I was planning Colton's birthday party, and he will be 13 months old in just a few days. Being at home all day, every day really makes me lose track of time.
Matt and I are still loving our home. The weather has been incredibly cold the past few weeks and we are both so sick of it. Matt's reason is due to the fact that he works outside a majority of the time and my reason(s) are (1) because my poor husband works out in the cold most days and (2) I have a very active toddler who loves to be outside and being cooped up every day is torture for us both. I'm really looking forward to warm weather so that I can work in my flower beds and get Colton's sand box, tree house and pool up and running. Maybe the cold weather will head out soon...I'll keep hoping!
Colton has had a really hard time staying well through this cold season. He had his 1 year check-up with Dr. Woods last Friday and the timing was perfect. Colton woke up with a "seal sounding cough" the morning of his appointment and went back on prescription cough medicine. Poor guy just has a lingering runny nose now so hopefully we are heading back to healthy. Even though I'm frustrated with the colds/strep throat/yucky business we have been dealing with, I'm very thankful that Colton has (overall) been a very healthy boy. He can't help it that toddlers are germy little germ critters.

At his wellness check up, he weighed in the 60% range and was in the 78% for height (he grew an inch in 10 days). He is growing and developing extremely well and always likes to show off for Dr. Woods. I'm so impressed with how quickly he learns and how independent he is. His observant nature really helps him to master skills quickly. He is able to use a spoon pretty well on his own and a fork with assistance. He loves dogs (sleeps with 4 every night). He is very interested in construction equipment, especially bulldozers. He knows what a bulldozer is over any other toy/equipment and imitates the sounds and movements. He still only sleeps about 6 hours per night (on average), but I'm used to it now! He brings me so much joy every day and I'm so proud to be his Momma.

Today, I actually have time to post because it's a snow day for Matt! This morning, Matt and Colton had a fort in the living room, played baseball (in the house) rode the 4-wheeler through the house and played guitars...all before 9AM. Colton is so lucky to have such a committed, hard-working, loving Dad. When watching Matt with Colton, I couldn't help but just smile. Since I'm with Colton every day, all day, I tend to look at my day as "routine", ordinary and just plain hard work and sometimes forget how important the interaction is for Colton. Having Matt at home with us makes me feel refreshed, energized and it gives me strength to face days when he isn't here with us. I suppose that is the purpose of a family unit.
There are days when I feel so tired and feel like I'm not making a difference in any way. I mean heck, I didn't even leave my house last week (so sad). But then Matt spends one day with me and reminds me that Colton wouldn't be the person he is without me here with him and it reminds me that even though I don't feel it somedays, I AM making a difference!
It's hard for me to really grasp how fast time is passing. It seemed like I was planning Colton's birthday party, and he will be 13 months old in just a few days. Being at home all day, every day really makes me lose track of time.
Matt and I are still loving our home. The weather has been incredibly cold the past few weeks and we are both so sick of it. Matt's reason is due to the fact that he works outside a majority of the time and my reason(s) are (1) because my poor husband works out in the cold most days and (2) I have a very active toddler who loves to be outside and being cooped up every day is torture for us both. I'm really looking forward to warm weather so that I can work in my flower beds and get Colton's sand box, tree house and pool up and running. Maybe the cold weather will head out soon...I'll keep hoping!
Colton has had a really hard time staying well through this cold season. He had his 1 year check-up with Dr. Woods last Friday and the timing was perfect. Colton woke up with a "seal sounding cough" the morning of his appointment and went back on prescription cough medicine. Poor guy just has a lingering runny nose now so hopefully we are heading back to healthy. Even though I'm frustrated with the colds/strep throat/yucky business we have been dealing with, I'm very thankful that Colton has (overall) been a very healthy boy. He can't help it that toddlers are germy little germ critters.
At his wellness check up, he weighed in the 60% range and was in the 78% for height (he grew an inch in 10 days). He is growing and developing extremely well and always likes to show off for Dr. Woods. I'm so impressed with how quickly he learns and how independent he is. His observant nature really helps him to master skills quickly. He is able to use a spoon pretty well on his own and a fork with assistance. He loves dogs (sleeps with 4 every night). He is very interested in construction equipment, especially bulldozers. He knows what a bulldozer is over any other toy/equipment and imitates the sounds and movements. He still only sleeps about 6 hours per night (on average), but I'm used to it now! He brings me so much joy every day and I'm so proud to be his Momma.
Today, I actually have time to post because it's a snow day for Matt! This morning, Matt and Colton had a fort in the living room, played baseball (in the house) rode the 4-wheeler through the house and played guitars...all before 9AM. Colton is so lucky to have such a committed, hard-working, loving Dad. When watching Matt with Colton, I couldn't help but just smile. Since I'm with Colton every day, all day, I tend to look at my day as "routine", ordinary and just plain hard work and sometimes forget how important the interaction is for Colton. Having Matt at home with us makes me feel refreshed, energized and it gives me strength to face days when he isn't here with us. I suppose that is the purpose of a family unit.
There are days when I feel so tired and feel like I'm not making a difference in any way. I mean heck, I didn't even leave my house last week (so sad). But then Matt spends one day with me and reminds me that Colton wouldn't be the person he is without me here with him and it reminds me that even though I don't feel it somedays, I AM making a difference!
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