2020 is about alignment, connection, obedience, wholeness, rest and getting rid of a lot of head garbage centered around the "hustle" mentality.
I'm in favor of getting rid of the toxic hustle beliefs like:
▪️that if we're not achieving big goals, we're not doing enough
▪️that we have to push to make things happen
▪️that we're in charge of our own destiny
▪️that if others are doing it successfully and we're not, we must be doing something wrong
▪️that if we don't hit our personal goals, that's, in some way or another, our fault
▪️that our successes, titles, promotions or roles determine our worth
We live in a world where it's easy to fall into the trap of believing these statements at some point or another. But what happens when we hustle, with no rest? We grow weary and disconnected.When we hustle and hustle but our goals still aren't met? We are left feeling defeated. If there's anything we can admit, it's that the life Jesus calls us to live is very different than anything the world calls "normal". In today's (often) self-centered, media-crazed world, there is never a better time for us to rise up and be something bold. Something bigger than just "hustle". If laziness is a sin and hard work is to be exalted, then let's discuss how we can work hard to actually be more like Jesus.
Jesus recognized the need for solitude, to be with His Father, to rest. What would happen if this practice became a priority? What if solitude, rest and self-care went from something that we physically need to something our spirits actually wanted? As the Son of God, we might think that Jesus would wear the "hustle" shirt with pride. I mean He not only was a part of creating the world but He became the savior of it. And yet, He didn't force Himself on anyone. He wasn't trying to impress people or work for self-gain. He didn't lose sleep over requests or expectations of others.
Why are we so eager to be driven by the hustle mentality when Jesus modeled for us, over and over, something that looked very different? Jesus chose serving over being liked. He chose giving over being followed. He chose sharing over being shared. He said "yes" to what His Father asked Him to do. Every time. Even if it was uncomfortable or unpopular. Jesus knew that all those to come after Him would have their own work to do, so I don't think He was worried about doing everything by Himself. Jesus simply accomplished the tasks that His Father sent Him to do and let others do their part.
I've taken a step back from the hustle life to get some clarity and to find my true joy. Don't get me wrong, I work hard and I love to achieve big goals but I don't want to be so busy working for myself that I miss the tasks that my Father is calling me to. How about you?
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