Calico Road
Matt and I have been dating since 2008. In that time, we've talked about so many of our life ambitions and our dreams and our goals. We have talked about our struggles, our failures, our weaknesses and our losses. In this (seemingly short) amount of time, we have experienced some dig down and face it 'lows' and some incredible, I don't want this to end 'highs' and it's all added up to a beautiful journey that we call our life.
In 2012, Matt and I moved (back) to Tennessee on a hope and a prayer. We were jobless, homeless (well, not totally thanks to Mom and Dad) and full of the desire to make it work. When we found our house in 2013, we knew that it would be a great transition house. The house needed work (that we could do) and we saw it as an good investment. It has been perfect for what we have needed over the past (almost) 4 years.
One of the goals/dreams that Matt and I have had for ourselves, is to purchase a piece of land that we love and build a house that we design ourselves. There's just something about the challenge and excitement of finding the right piece of land, looking at house plans, decorating in my head and dreaming of making a house a home for my family that makes me feel energized and happy. I've done this for years (you should see my Pinterest boards) just waiting for the day this dream might come true!
Matt and I have been searching for properties for about 4 years. We have looked at SO MANY pieces of land across 3 different counties. We have come extremely close to buying a few, but something about them just didn't feel 100% right. We now know that it was God leading us in a different direction. On Friday (03/03), Matt and I signed papers on a piece of land and have taken the first step towards our dream of building a house.
Y'all, when we drive up there, I just feel at home. The first time we drove up on the hill, Matt and I looked at each other and just felt like we needed to get this place. Maybe it was for us to keep as investment. Maybe it was where we're supposed to live. Whatever "it" was, we felt it! We drove up there 4 or 5 times over the next couple of days and within a week, we put in an offer. The entire process went so fast (like, 3 weeks fast) and we could not be more excited and grateful.
Over the past 4 years, Matt and I have done a LOT of soul searching and praying for direction. We have taken steps carefully and walked through doors when they seem to open freely. We have learned when a door is closed, to leave it closed. We have experienced some lessons on patience and God's timing. We continue to lay our desires and thoughts down at God's feet and we are learning what God's voice sounds like when He says both "go forward" and "just stay". We are continually growing in our faith and in our walk as husband and wife. Learning to trust each other in the journey, has been difficult at times but the more we put God first, we find that it's easier to walk hand in hand.
In 2012, Matt and I moved (back) to Tennessee on a hope and a prayer. We were jobless, homeless (well, not totally thanks to Mom and Dad) and full of the desire to make it work. When we found our house in 2013, we knew that it would be a great transition house. The house needed work (that we could do) and we saw it as an good investment. It has been perfect for what we have needed over the past (almost) 4 years.
One of the goals/dreams that Matt and I have had for ourselves, is to purchase a piece of land that we love and build a house that we design ourselves. There's just something about the challenge and excitement of finding the right piece of land, looking at house plans, decorating in my head and dreaming of making a house a home for my family that makes me feel energized and happy. I've done this for years (you should see my Pinterest boards) just waiting for the day this dream might come true!
Matt and I have been searching for properties for about 4 years. We have looked at SO MANY pieces of land across 3 different counties. We have come extremely close to buying a few, but something about them just didn't feel 100% right. We now know that it was God leading us in a different direction. On Friday (03/03), Matt and I signed papers on a piece of land and have taken the first step towards our dream of building a house.
Over the past 4 years, Matt and I have done a LOT of soul searching and praying for direction. We have taken steps carefully and walked through doors when they seem to open freely. We have learned when a door is closed, to leave it closed. We have experienced some lessons on patience and God's timing. We continue to lay our desires and thoughts down at God's feet and we are learning what God's voice sounds like when He says both "go forward" and "just stay". We are continually growing in our faith and in our walk as husband and wife. Learning to trust each other in the journey, has been difficult at times but the more we put God first, we find that it's easier to walk hand in hand.
I have no idea what the future holds for us. I have no idea if this land will be our "dream home". I do know that the more I drive up to our new property, I am more in love with it. I know that I have a great desire to sell my house tomorrow and move to the top of the hill. I know that we've already got a house plan in motion (and might or might not have already staked out an idea of where a house could sit). But, I know that God's timing can differ from mine so, I will continue to hold steady, make plans, dream and talk to God...a LOT!!!
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the kids loved checking
out the new land
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