Healthier Me

I set some big goals for myself this year. I decided that 2016 was going to be the year I made some changes in several areas of my life. One of those big goals was (is) my physical health/fitness. In order to stick to my goals, I had to find things/people to help me stay accountable.

In the beginning, this journey was not easy. For me, eating healthy and working out takes a lot of focus, determination and dedication (along with planning, complaining, whining and reminding myself why I started). Starting the last week of December, I re-joined the YMCA and went every day to do SOMETHING. Some days, it was as simple as walking on the treadmill or using the elliptical for 30 minutes. The point is, I got myself into a routine of GOING. Starting January 1, we completely overhauled our kitchen. Out with the bad, in with the good. The journey of "good eating" was by far the hardest to kick start. My body was used to eating junk and it craved it - BAD.

For staying accountable to our healthier diet, Matt and I cut out a lot of things. I didn't go out to "play group" events, we didn't go out to eat and we were pretty much home bodies for the entire month of January. The reason? Focus. If I am out and about, I'm not focused on eating right. I'm tempted to grab something from the drive thru or snack on something that is going to set me back. I knew I had to set myself up for success by getting myself in a routine. The 2nd week of January, I had a meltdown. I didn't think I was seeing any results, I was frustrated, tired, HUNGRY and just mad at the world. The kids had been sick on and off, I was just a grouchy, hot mess...and did I mention that I was hungry? I wanted to give up (again, we were only 2 weeks in). Matt reminded me of my goals, stuck with me and kept me on track. I'm SO THANKFUL that he did. By week 3, I was feeling so much better and starting to "see" some progress.

For staying accountable to my fitness, I picked some group classes at the YMCA and signed myself up for a half marathon (I wanted to complete a half before Ryleigh was 6 months old). I knew I wouldn't hold myself accountable to the running so I recruited my sister as an accountability partner. I was on track with my work outs until February and once we hit that month, I was thrown all kinds of curve balls. Colton, Matt and I were all diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis, Ryleigh had her immunizations and had a horrible reaction to them, snow storms, car trouble (the list went on and on)! Needless to say, I was not looking forward to my half marathon on February 27 as much as I was the day I signed up. Thankfully, my accountability partner (my big sis) kept encouraging me, supporting me and talking me over the hurdles.

On Saturday, February 27, I ran the GHS Half Marathon (the swamp rabbit race to Greenville) in South Carolina. I went into the race with some pretty straightforward goals. 1. don't die. 2. if you don't die, don't be the last person done. 3. if you're not the last one done, finish around 3 hours. 4. be proud of my accomplishment. I didn't die, I wasn't the last one done, we finished in 2:44 and I was extremely proud of myself and what I accomplished.

Today starts the third month of my journey. So far, I'm happy with my progress. My body is actually craving the good food and not so interested in the "junk". Matt has been my biggest support and biggest fan (I could NOT do this if he wasn't on board) and I am surrounded by friends and family who encourage me on the daily! My biggest goal is to feel healthy from the inside out and the cool thing? I'm not relying on supplements, shakes, pills or diets, I'm relying on MYSELF in that I'm changing my lifestyle and it feels SO GOOD!! To date, I'm down 14 pounds, I'm more active and feel like I have more energy. I have a long road ahead but I'm happy and I'm definitely on the right track to a healthier me!


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