
Showing posts from December, 2014

Healthy New Year

Matt and I joined the YMCA . I knew it would be good for me to get back in a routine of physical activity (more than just chasing a toddler around in my pajama pants), but what I didn’t know is how much fun it would be to share that time with my husband. Last night was our first night of putting Colton in the child-watch area, getting familiar with the equipment, learning our way around the Y and figuring out a routine. I had a lot of mixed feelings going into last night. Feelings of excitement, frustration (for letting myself get so badly out of shape) worry (that Colton wouldn’t do so well) but the biggest feeling I had was determination. Determination that I was going to make a change in myself, for myself.    Do you know what you get when you mix a body that hasn’t worked out in 2+ years with the crazy thought “I got this”? Well, I got a body that can’t get out of bed or pick up my child. You know the awesome part? I’m going back to do it all again today! It’s tha...

Merry Christmas

December is coming to an end, as is another year! So many wonderful moments have happened in 2014. It's hard to believe that Thursday is Christmas Day! This week, I hope that we all can stop and appreciate the true meaning of this season. Christmas is a time of God showing His great love for us. It can be a time of healing. You see, Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of the Christ, but not just the birth – what that birth meant for the world.  Why did God send His son to this (sometimes) cruel and hard world? Why was Jesus even born? He was born as salvation to all of us. Without Jesus, we would all die in our sins. The Bible says that all have sinned and we do things that do not please God. Through the sins of Adam and Eve, we have all inherited that sinful nature. We need to have that sin removed and the only way is through Jesus. Jesus was born so that He could die on the cross for ALL of our sins. If we believe that Jesus died for our sins, we can ask Him to come into...


It’s 11:30pm. I went to bed at 9:30pm. I’m now up sitting in my living room with just the Christmas tree lights and my computer. I’m dealing with some crazy emotions tonight and my mind won’t shut off so I’m typing… Wednesday afternoon, Colton woke up from his (very short) nap and walked into my bedroom to tell me “Colton nap done”. Cool, huh? Well, he was in a crib when I put him down for his nap! Needless to say, I was a little bit surprised to see him and a slight bit of panic set in. Given Colton’s sleep history, you understand why. Maybe it was just a one-time thing?!? We can hope! Wednesday night, we went through our normal bedtime routine. Colton said goodnight to Daddy, I took him in his room, we said our prayers, I laid him down. There was no fuss, no crying, no whining (should’ve been my first clue to what was coming…)! I shut the door, walked across the hall to our bedroom and (within 20 seconds) hear “hi Mommy” standing in our bedroom doorway. Oh boy – here we go. ...

work smart NOT hard

I am seeing more and more internet based/direct sales options. Everywhere we look, we have an offer to join and become part of something amazing. Everybody is interested in making extra money. We just don’t want to get “scammed” into something that sounds great but isn’t. We don’t want to have a lot of investment because “what if I can’t make my money back? What if I’m not successful? I don’t want to be penalized if I decide to stop”. Because I know that there are people out there, looking for the perfect fit, I’m sharing this with you! Maybe you’re considering partnering up with a company or maybe you’ve tried direct sales before and hated it. Maybe you aren’t a good “sales person” (me either). Maybe you don’t want to host parties (me either) or maybe you have no idea what you want. The truth is, there is something out there for you and if you want it bad enough, you can make it work for you. Do the research and find your fit. The following is from a R+F business partner, Eliz...


I wake up some mornings and wonder, “what is our world going to be like today?”. I see so many stories come across my news feed and hear so many hurtful, violent and terrible things on the news. I realize that when dealing with people, you have all sorts of opinions, beliefs, actions and reactions. Ultimately, when dealing with people, it’s just hard. Sometimes even within our own friendships and families, it’s a big, huge mess! I wish this world was perfect. I wish we could just all be at peace. But, the reality is that relationships with people can be the hardest thing in the world to navigate. There’s a very important promise I have tried to make to myself over the past several months, regarding my relationships with people: I will do my best to live at peace within myself and with others by speaking the truth, leading by positive example and letting go of things I cannot change. When being in a relationship, I’m learning that I have to allow myself to be vulnerable without...