Healthy New Year
Matt and I joined the YMCA . I knew it would be good for me to get back in a routine of physical activity (more than just chasing a toddler around in my pajama pants), but what I didn’t know is how much fun it would be to share that time with my husband. Last night was our first night of putting Colton in the child-watch area, getting familiar with the equipment, learning our way around the Y and figuring out a routine. I had a lot of mixed feelings going into last night. Feelings of excitement, frustration (for letting myself get so badly out of shape) worry (that Colton wouldn’t do so well) but the biggest feeling I had was determination. Determination that I was going to make a change in myself, for myself. Do you know what you get when you mix a body that hasn’t worked out in 2+ years with the crazy thought “I got this”? Well, I got a body that can’t get out of bed or pick up my child. You know the awesome part? I’m going back to do it all again today! It’s tha...