A Wild Ride
I’m sitting here putting my thoughts down because it’s a great release for me. Plus, it’s quiet time while Colton is napping – my one chance at thinking for the day! J I’m overly emotional this week. I have been crying over little things and I’ve just been way more in touch with my feelings than normal. Maybe it’s because the holidays are rolling around and I’m always more emotional this time of year. Maybe it’s because I realized that Colton will be 2 in just about a month. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman/wife/Mom who lacks sleep and I’m just a hot mess. What I think is really hitting me this week is Colton and this new season we have entered. He is growing so fast. Every day, he wakes up able to say new words, pronounce “old words” better, move faster, jump higher and laugh louder. He moves like a little boy, not a baby – not even like a toddler. He is very determined and observant. He has discovered the meaning of “no” and has started to use it. He is testing his every bounda...