
Showing posts from June, 2015

He or She?!? Who knows...

I waited (impatiently) for the anatomy Ultrasound we had scheduled for last Tuesday. Every day, I looked at the calendar and grew more and more excited/nervous/anxious as June 23rd approached because not only were we finally going to find out if "it" was a boy or a girl, but we would get to see our little nugget again. The day finally arrived and I was thrilled to hear that our sweet baby is growing and thriving and measuring "on track". Everything, as far as we can tell, looks great. The baby was "shy" so we still don't know if nugget #2 is a he or a she. I'm not going to lie, when we left the office, my first reaction to Matt was that of disappointment. I was looking forward to this day for so long and I REALLY wanted to know what I'm carrying (I'm tired of saying "it"). Matt quickly reminded me that our baby is doing fantastic and out of all the news we could've gotten that day, we got nothing but good news. Not finding...

Rocking Chair

Tonight, I rocked Colton to sleep for the first time in months (maybe even a year). He's always loved being rocked but he has never been one to actually fall asleep in my arms. Given his length, my growing belly and our effort to have him "soothe" himself to sleep, rocking him isn't something I've been doing. But tonight, I rocked him. Not because I had to, not because I needed to, not because it was the "easy" thing to do...I did it because I wanted to. I feel like I've gotten so caught up in the fact that we have a new baby coming and I "need" Colton to be able to put himself to sleep (and sleep all night), I "need" Colton to be completely rid of his paci, I "need" Colton to play by himself for parts of the day, I "need" Colton to be potty trained, I "need" Colton to be good in he grocery store, I "need" Colton do this or to do that. It's exhausting. He's 2 years old. What I NEED...

Sorting and Waiting

I have officially started a count-down to the date we find out our sweet #2's gender! 20 days to go... I put all of the boxes, totes, bags and baskets (from all over the house) with clothes that have gotten too small for Colton (way too fast) in the living room and had a major sorting session today. It feels like C was just wearing some of those things and when I looked at the tag it said "3 months". Ugh. The saying "the days are long but the years are short" really hit home today! As I sat in the floor going through all of the clothes, I got emotional. Colton was sitting there with me asking a million questions and as I looked at the clothes and then looked at him, I just felt completely overwhelmed with emotions. I'm beyond thankful for the little copper top that sat with me today. Thankful for his growth, his health, his kind heart, his 100% boy personality, his smile, his dimple, his (just like his daddy's) eyes...thankful for him in every way! ...