Neal - Party of 4

On January 31 st , at about 7:30pm, I found out I was pregnant with baby #2. This was very happy news to Matt (and me) because we have been trying for quite some time!! Emotions flooded through me when I watched that one line turn to two. The rest of that Saturday night, I just kept looking at that pee stick (aka pregnancy test) to make sure those two lines weren’t going anywhere. It’s funny how knowing I’m pregnant makes my body automatically feel different. It’s like I instantly become more aware and protective. On Sunday morning, I woke up with a smile on my face knowing that I was carrying a little person again. Another little munchkin has entered our lives. When Colton woke up on Sunday morning, Matt and I decided to tell him our news (not that he really has any idea what’s going on or what a “brother” or a “sister” is). In other words, his world is about to be rocked. This was our conversation: Me: Bub, Mommy and Daddy have something to tell you Colton: Huh? Me: You...