
Showing posts from November, 2020

Colton + Counseling

2020 has had an impact on our kids and I want to be careful not to just throw a "kids are resilient" sticker on them and call it a day. They are resilient and they need to learn to adapt and cope to change, but they're also human beings, navigating challenging waters with big emotions. Helping them learn how to manage those feelings is really important, and something Matt and I have made a priority over the past several months. People usually flinch when the word "counseling" comes up. Counseling? Oh no, what's wrong? We're human... that's what's "wrong". I was afraid of counseling for a long time, because I didn't have a good understanding of it. I was too busy puffed up in pride and "we've got this" to find out. (Side note: I don't believe all counseling is created equal and I'm a firm believer in Godly, Bible-based counseling over other kinds but that's my personal opinion). I was afraid of ...