
2020 is about alignment, connection, obedience, wholeness, rest and getting rid of a lot of head garbage centered around the "hustle" mentality. I'm in favor of getting rid of the toxic hustle beliefs like: ▪️that if we're not achieving big goals, we're not doing enough ▪️that we have to push to make things happen ▪️that we're in charge of our own destiny ▪️that if others are doing it successfully and we're not, we must be doing something wrong ▪️that if we don't hit our personal goals, that's, in some way or another, our fault ▪️that our successes, titles, promotions or roles determine our worth We live in a world where it's easy to fall into the trap of believing these statements at some point or another. But what happens when we hustle, with no rest? We grow weary and disconnected.When we hustle and hustle but our goals still aren't met? We are left feeling defeated. If there's anything we can admit, it's...