
Showing posts from August, 2019

Love and Grief

It's been over a year since I visited this place. A place where I used to come daily and spill my thoughts. It's funny how different seasons bring different needs. Several years ago, I was deep in the trenches of new motherhood and this little blog was a place that I needed, a way to express what was on my mind (and heart). Some seasons we need to let it out. Then, I found myself in a season where I needed to process, self reflect, seek guidance and keep it all in. Learning to lean in to and respect each season has been good, although challenging, for me. So why am I hear today? Because I'm back to a place where writing out my thoughts brings comfort (and some joy). Maybe it's because my kids are getting bigger and I have more free time. Maybe it's because my birthday is next week and I'm inching closer to 40. Maybe it's because I don't have a journal so these are my pages where I can come back to re-read, remember and reflect. Whatever the reason, I...