
Showing posts from April, 2020

It's enough

We scroll social media, taking in the hundreds of different voices and different opinions on what we "should be" doing right now. We compare our bodies to the woman who seems to have her home workout down like it's nothing, while we struggle to find time to fit in a quick run (or even just a shower). We question our relationships because maybe we and our spouses are having a really hard time just communicating while Susie Q and Ken are having picnics and making pillow forts together. We worry if we're good enough Moms because we don't have a color coded schedule or numbered learning stations and can hardly keep up on the weekly E-learning, ZOOM meetings and expectations of serving our family a healthy dinner every night, so we find ourselves feeding our kids cereal for dinner and wondering if there's enough nutrients in gold fish to keep them alive. We're feeling the pressure to start new projects because so many around us are hustling harder than ...


According to Meriam-Webster, quarantine is defined as (1)   a period of 40 days . The official COVID-19 "stay at home" order went into effect on March 23 and will be lifted (in most areas) on May 1. That's 40 days. Christianity uses forty (40) to designate important time periods. The rains that came as a flood that covered the earth lasted 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7:12).  Moses departed for Mount Sinai and stayed there for 40 days and nights to receive the 10 commandments before wandering in the wilderness for 40 years (Joshua 5:6). Jesus fasted in the dessert for 40 days (Matthew 4:2). I think it's interesting that the optimum number of weeks for human gestation is 40 weeks and the recommended postpartum recovery for a Mother is 40 days. A group of theologians believe the number 40 represents "change". It is the time of preparing a person (or people) to make a fundamental change.  Change is happening and will continue to happen. These 40 days of ...