
Showing posts from May, 2015

20 week "check-up"

On Tuesday I went in for my 20 week check-up with nugget #2. The heartbeat is good and strong and Dr. Goodwin says she noticed lots of movement (taking after the big brother in that area)! I haven't been able to feel significant amounts of movement (yet), but I have noticed the fluttery feelings that come with carrying a growing human in my belly. Every time I ask Colton if "it's" a boy baby or a girl baby he says "it's a girl" but when I ask him if WANTS a brother or a sister he says "a brother". I've been back and forth on what I think and I don't have a "gut feeling" like I did with Colton. Even my dreams aren't clear. I had a dream that we were having a "gender reveal party" and when we cut into the cake, the pieces were equally pink and blue. God has a sense of humor...and is on a mission to help me with my patience! :-) We scheduled the anatomy ultrasound for June 23rd. I cannot WAIT to find out if this...

My sister is one of my biggest fans, therefore she always checks in on my blog to see if I have shared anything new. On Monday, I got a text message from her saying that she checks my blog almost daily and there's nothing new to read...she's giving up hope! I told her not to give up, I REALLY enjoy sharing my stories here but I've just been crazy. Her reply was "it's good that you're too busy enjoying real life to write stuff on the Internet". At that moment, reading those words, I realized that I really am LIVING life. I'm a social media fanatic. I spend way too much time on my phone (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, etc...). I have limited that time drastically this year, but I know it's still too much. Even though I interact on social media, I've really been trying to grow my personal (face-to-face) relationships. Does it take more time? Yep. Does it take more effort? Yep. Is it worth it? Absolutely!!! I love, love, LOVE to share...