20 week "check-up"
On Tuesday I went in for my 20 week check-up with nugget #2. The heartbeat is good and strong and Dr. Goodwin says she noticed lots of movement (taking after the big brother in that area)! I haven't been able to feel significant amounts of movement (yet), but I have noticed the fluttery feelings that come with carrying a growing human in my belly. Every time I ask Colton if "it's" a boy baby or a girl baby he says "it's a girl" but when I ask him if WANTS a brother or a sister he says "a brother". I've been back and forth on what I think and I don't have a "gut feeling" like I did with Colton. Even my dreams aren't clear. I had a dream that we were having a "gender reveal party" and when we cut into the cake, the pieces were equally pink and blue. God has a sense of humor...and is on a mission to help me with my patience! :-) We scheduled the anatomy ultrasound for June 23rd. I cannot WAIT to find out if this...