Mondays - they get such a bad rap

Mondays! They get such a bad rap. I mean, if we got to pick which day of the week we could be, who would actually pick Monday? Nobody has anything good to say about Monday! A lot of people actually spend Sunday afternoon/evening dreading Monday. I actually feel kind of bad for the day. But, there is something about Mondays...

This morning, Colton had his 18 month check up with Dr. Woods. Yep, we're only about 18 days late, but whatever. :-) Colton goes to Dr. Woods for his check ups, goes to the health department for his shots, he's had to see 2 different specialists and had a small, outpatient procedure done (in March) so he is not a fan of anything that even looks like a doctor's office/medical building/hospital. He is terrified of scrubs and, sadly, the nice women who are wearing them. He is very vocal, very stubborn, very dramatic (no idea where he gets that from...) and very, very strong for only being 1.5 years old.

The entire drive to the office, I was telling Colton where we were going and what was going to happen. I assured him he wasn't getting shots, they were just going to weigh him, shine a light in his eyes, and maybe press on his belly. No big deal. I thought we were totally cool. Then, the nurse calls us out of the waiting room and I'm pretty sure Colton forgot all about our little talk in the car! Poor little guy. Starting screaming "no" before we ever got completely through the door to the hallway. He thought the scale was going to kill him (I'm guessing from the shear look of terror on his face while standing on it) and he wanted every nurse, patient and doctor in the place to know that he was NOT going back to the room on his own free will!

Sweet, sweet Dr. Woods was able to complete his exam (God bless her for her patience). Amazingly, he survived and was blowing kisses and saying "bye bye" when it was time to go. You talk about a boy "high stepping" it out of  a place, Colton was like a horse headed for the barn - happy, talkative, saying "bye" to everybody he saw! At least we left on a good note, right?!?

Once I got him back in the car and we were headed home, I prayed. I thanked God for my healthy little boy. He is growing as perfectly as I could hope, he is developing, he is learning, he is happy (well, most of the time) and he is just the most amazing gift I could've ever hoped for!

After a fun afternoon of playing outside, Colton got to go to clogging class with me (until Daddy picked him up). After being off for 2 weeks, it felt so good to be back in the studio. I felt recharged and refocused. I think you can chose to make Monday a bad day or you can chose to make Monday a good day! Today, I chose to make it good!!!


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